
2020-2021 Storybook

2020-2021 Storybook

2020/2021 has been a challenging year to say the least. Unwillingly, we found ourselves thrown into a brand-new world in March 2020. – A world where fostering belonging became much more difficult. Nourish tries to boost people’s Vitamin F. Indeed, through our work we seek to cultivate Friendships and a sense of belonging through Food.


Growing our impact

In 2015, we saw our local community gardens grow and thrive. When the Peterborough Community Garden Network was first established in 2010, there were 14 local community gardens. Since then, that initial count has expanded to 41, and plans are already in the works for a few new gardens in 2016. In total, these gardens contain over 509 plots and can can be found in school yards and public housing sites, on federal, provincial and municipal properties, and on private land.
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